Saturday, March 29, 2014

The post in which I proclaim donuts a health food. (AKA the best part of running).

So I take back what I've written in the past about vegetables. Yes, they're good for you...unless you're training for a marathon. In which case, (that being this case), throw detox to the wind and dine Dunkin' style! Sort of!

I'm glad I could clear that up for you.

(Not clear? Let's just say that an 8-miler on Thurs.- after a dinner w/ veggies- went a whole lot differently than an 8-miler today after a donut/coffee breakfast, baked potatoes/sports drink lunch. You can only run into and out of so many public potties surreptitiously on one run...).

Healthy food isn't the only hiccup these days, either. There's that little matter of time.

Honey, ummmmm, could you watch the kids for, like, four hours? 

No help that I'm the laziest marathon trainer ever in the history of marathon training. Get up and start running at 5am? Nope, but thanks for the invitation, World. (What's that Proverb about a sluggard's excuse...there's a lion at my front door? And it drank all my coffee? Something like that...).

On the plus side, I don't yet know what all the runner talk of chafing is about, and no blisters or black toenails to speak of! (I'm writing this hours before a 16-miler, so we can chat about these hot topics again then. Maybe I'll be more informed).

Another peculiarity to running is the underworld of packaged (and not cheap) glucose sources. I just watched a documentary about marathon running (by myself, obviously) and interestingly enough, they spent no time at all on GU. They hit on hydration and nutrition- even showed a very fit woman baking skewers of vegetables (oh, if only she knew!), but no dramatic music to the tearing-with-teeth packets of gel sugar. I'll be trying them for the first time tomorrow, but I have to say that I'm a little bit confused. Why not stop and eat a Snickers bar? Wouldn't that be a whole lot more fun? Sounds like a pretty good incentive to run for another three hours, anyway.

I tip my hat to all of you fellow joggers. May your roads be properly paved, may your GU be on sale, may the creepy staring people be blind to the likes of you, and may your last miles be downhill...

Happy moving!

Friday, February 14, 2014

What do "brave" and "cardiac arrest" have in common?

I'm about to find out! This is where I'll post updates on my San Diego Rock n' Roll marathon training. Join me! :)